Ashley William Caldwell
I am a young artist working in a variety of techniques.
Much of my work has been inspired by the beautiful Welsh landscape, and local features in its towns and villages.
I was born in the formerly industrial town of Caerphilly, in South Wales, in 1994. Whilst growing up I attended St Martins Comprehensive school, where my keen interest in drawing, and doodling developed.
Throughout my school years, most of my art consisted of cartoons, and caricatures of people I knew. Though bit by bit my drawings developed more, and I began to develop a real skill.
I unfortunately do not have any grand stories to tell about artistic endeavours from my childhood.
I was a very quiet, and timid boy growing up, and any idea of having to stand up and accept an award in front of people scared me more than enough, to put me off entering any competitions. Instead I kept myself to myself, and sketched, and painted for my own pleasure.
The wish to paint for my own pleasure is something that I hold very dearly as an artist. It is something that greatly affects the way in which I work, and my artwork itself.
I studied a BA (hons) in Fine art in Aberystwyth University. It is here where my fascination with atmosphere truly began, with Aberystwyth's sunsets inspiring me to create beautiful and vivid scenes of nature.
My art represents my personality. I create moody, but colourful, and atmospheric pieces, that fill the viewer with a sense of real emotion. This obsession with atmosphere is prevalent in every form of art that I create. From my Etchings, to my Plein air studies. I am always enamoured by the atmosphere and mood of a landscape or scene.
Coleg Morgannwg- 2013
Cardiff Arts academy- 2015
Aberystwyth University- 2018
Aberystwyth house- 2018
Milkstreet gallery, Shrewsbury- 2019
Y Galeri, Caerphilly- 2020-2024
Gallery 57, Newport- 2023-2024
Cardiff Arts academy, Foundation degree in
Fine Art- 2014/2015
Aberystwyth University, Bachelor's degree in Fine Art- 2015/2018